club reports 2015
December 2015
The December dance at Bath, the last of 2015, was held on Friday 11th December, with 42 attending. There was a festive Christmas atmosphere with lots of Christmas music, an Old Time programme that included an elimination dance won by Ann & Clare from Stroud. This has been a good year for Bath Old Time Dancers we have had 40 plus at our monthly dances and we would like to thank all those who continue to support us. Special thanks to Dianne and Terry Harris for all their help throughout the year. We look forward to 2016 and another year of Old Time Dancing and the Bath Summer Ball back on the calendar on June the 11th with David Last.
The December dance at Bath, the last of 2015, was held on Friday 11th December, with 42 attending. There was a festive Christmas atmosphere with lots of Christmas music, an Old Time programme that included an elimination dance won by Ann & Clare from Stroud. This has been a good year for Bath Old Time Dancers we have had 40 plus at our monthly dances and we would like to thank all those who continue to support us. Special thanks to Dianne and Terry Harris for all their help throughout the year. We look forward to 2016 and another year of Old Time Dancing and the Bath Summer Ball back on the calendar on June the 11th with David Last.
August 2015
Monthly dances continue to be well supported and we regularly have visitors from around the country. The August dance was a great night with 40 attending despite it being holiday time. It was nice to have Marjorie & Peter back with us and now that Marjorie is on the mend she was able to do a few dances. We had visitors dancing with us for the first time and when they realised they were only an hour away from us they said they hope to visit more regularly. We were delighted because Brian Webber and Pamela Durke from Dorchester paid us a surprise visit. Brian had noticed that we had the Gypsy Tap on the programme, a dance we found visiting them, so decided to come and check how we dance it, there are several versions. When we got home we unloaded the equipment from the car and repacked it with our luggage ready for our visit to Hull the next day.
Monthly dances continue to be well supported and we regularly have visitors from around the country. The August dance was a great night with 40 attending despite it being holiday time. It was nice to have Marjorie & Peter back with us and now that Marjorie is on the mend she was able to do a few dances. We had visitors dancing with us for the first time and when they realised they were only an hour away from us they said they hope to visit more regularly. We were delighted because Brian Webber and Pamela Durke from Dorchester paid us a surprise visit. Brian had noticed that we had the Gypsy Tap on the programme, a dance we found visiting them, so decided to come and check how we dance it, there are several versions. When we got home we unloaded the equipment from the car and repacked it with our luggage ready for our visit to Hull the next day.
April 2015
Following a successful dance last month we had another good evening at our April dance with 44 attending. It was great to have visitors from North & South with us, Joyce & Richard from Surrey and Ann & Alan from Hull. As we do every year near Easter everyone attending received an Easter egg. We included the Tiger Eye Tango for the first time in one of our programmes which was enjoyed by everybody along with old favourites such as Pride of Erin Waltz, Over the Top and Trelawney Tango. We would like to thank all those attending, regular dancers and visitors for their continued support.
Following a successful dance last month we had another good evening at our April dance with 44 attending. It was great to have visitors from North & South with us, Joyce & Richard from Surrey and Ann & Alan from Hull. As we do every year near Easter everyone attending received an Easter egg. We included the Tiger Eye Tango for the first time in one of our programmes which was enjoyed by everybody along with old favourites such as Pride of Erin Waltz, Over the Top and Trelawney Tango. We would like to thank all those attending, regular dancers and visitors for their continued support.
March 2015
We are now settled into our new venue and at our March dance we had 42, including two new couples to old time dancing, who are enjoying the dancing supported by all the dancers. Those going to the Old Time Dance Society event at the IOW were all looking forward to it as there is a large group going from Bath Old Time Dancers. Also those attending The Southern Ball were picking up their tickets, another event for the group to look forward to. There was much discussion about Winchester, accommodation arrangements and the programme which everyone agreed is a programme for all and fits the aims of the ball which are to promote and celebrate old time dancing. It looks as though it will be a popular event because people were asking to be added to the waiting list and others wanted their names put down for 2016. As well as all this excitement we had a good evening of old time dancing with popular dances including Crazy Rag, Granchester Saunter, Marine Four Step and the Alison Waltz to name but a few. It was good to have Sue Kellie back with us after her knee opp and although she is not dancing she is still a great support.
We are now settled into our new venue and at our March dance we had 42, including two new couples to old time dancing, who are enjoying the dancing supported by all the dancers. Those going to the Old Time Dance Society event at the IOW were all looking forward to it as there is a large group going from Bath Old Time Dancers. Also those attending The Southern Ball were picking up their tickets, another event for the group to look forward to. There was much discussion about Winchester, accommodation arrangements and the programme which everyone agreed is a programme for all and fits the aims of the ball which are to promote and celebrate old time dancing. It looks as though it will be a popular event because people were asking to be added to the waiting list and others wanted their names put down for 2016. As well as all this excitement we had a good evening of old time dancing with popular dances including Crazy Rag, Granchester Saunter, Marine Four Step and the Alison Waltz to name but a few. It was good to have Sue Kellie back with us after her knee opp and although she is not dancing she is still a great support.